Salted caramel: TOP 3 recipes

Salted caramel: TOP 3 recipes

Recipe contents:

  • How to make salted caramel - secrets of the most experienced chefs
  • Salted cream caramel
  • Salted caramel made from cream and water
  • Salted sour cream caramel
  • Video recipes

Dessert, topping - salted caramel. This is a delicious treat for all ages. Salted caramel cannot be called non-sweet, you cannot escape the sweetness, but salt is a contrast that interrupts the cloying and prolongs the aftertaste. A jar of homemade sweets will be needed to make various desserts. It goes great with waffles, pancakes, and pancakes. Also, a spoonful of caramel will complement a cup of hot tea.

Salted caramel, like sweet caramel, is prepared at home using water. A transparent mass emerges, the drops sparkle like glass. From time to time it is brewed with dairy products: milk, cream, sour cream. At the same time, the fat content can be very different, from 10 to the fattest. With the second option, the taste and texture are softer, more tender and matte.

How to make salted caramel - secrets of the most experienced chefs

Salted cream caramel

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 278 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 200 g
  • Production time - 30 minutes


  • Cream 33% fat - 125 ml
  • Butter - 6 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 240 g
  • Salt - 1 tsp.

Salted caramel made from cream and water

Homemade salted caramel based on cream and water is the least fatty. With all this, it is unusually tasty.


  • Cream 33% fat – 250 ml
  • Mineral water – 75 ml
  • Sugar - 350 g
  • Butter - 90 g
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp.

Step-by-step making of salted caramel from cream and water:

  1. Pour sugar into one pan and fill it with water. Melt it one hundred percent.
  2. Pour the cream into another pan and heat it without bringing it to a boil. Then add salt, stir and turn off the heat.
  3. Place the sugar on medium heat, without disturbing, wait until it turns an amber color. This will happen in 15 minutes.
  4. Then add the oil and stir until it dissolves.
  5. Pour the sweet caramel into the cream and stir until smooth.
  6. Cool the caramel and place it in the refrigerator.

Salted sour cream caramel

The recipe for homemade salted caramel made from sour cream is very simple to make. It’s easier to work with sour cream, and there are no surprises with coagulation.


  • Sugar - 220 g
  • Sour cream 21% – 350 g
  • Butter - 30-40 g
  • Sea salt - to taste

Step-by-step making of salted caramel from sour cream:

  1. Combine sugar and sour cream in a thick-bottomed saucepan.
  2. Place the dishes on the stove over medium heat and wait for the sugar to dissolve. Don't disturb him.
  3. When the sugar is completely dissolved, add salt and continue to cook, stirring occasionally until it becomes viscosity, thickens and turns golden brown.

Video recipes on how to create caramel sauce:

Salted caramel

What else should I add? Surely there is nothing. Well, there’s no need)))

The title already says it all: “ I am so TASTY, so CREAMY, so SWEET with grains of salt, so TASTY and so CARAMEL that with me you will forget about everything in the world. "

And before we forget about everything in the world from the first name - let's prepare it as soon as possible.

Moreover, this is done completely easily.

We will need:

  • Cream (fat content 33 - 35%) - 250 gr.
  • Sugar - 150 gr.
  • Salt - 1/4 tsp.
  • Butter - 15 gr.

First, a few words about the ratio of sugar and cream . With the ratio of these ingredients as in this recipe, the caramel comes out like a thick sauce. In this form, it is perfect as an additive to various desserts and creams where it is necessary to obtain a caramel note. Or as a sauce for pancakes, ice cream, buns, etc.

You can increase the amount of sugar (up to a 1:1 ratio) if you need the most compacted caramel.

  1. Pour the cream into a saucepan, add salt and heat over medium heat.
  2. Meanwhile, melt the sugar. I do this all the time as described below. I understand that this is out of step with the rest of the pastry chefs, but for me this method is flawless. Maybe you will like it too.
  3. I pour a little sugar into a thick-bottomed saucepan so as to cover the bottom with a thin layer and put the saucepan on the fire (high power, but not the greatest). I’m waiting for the first portion of sugar given to us to dissolve. I don’t mix the sugar with anything. I just shake it so that it warms up moderately.
  4. As soon as the first portion of sugar has melted (turned into an almost transparent light-colored liquid), I begin to add the remaining sugar a little at a time. At first I add almost 1 tbsp. sugar and stir, waiting until each new portion is completely dissolved.
  5. The more melted sugar you have, the more you can add to the next new batch. Those. at first 1 tbsp, later 2, later 3, etc.
  6. When all the sugar has melted and become watery (without visible grains), remove the saucepan from the heat and carefully add the cream and salt that have been brought to a boil.
  7. This needs to be done very carefully, in a slow stream or in several batches, adding the entire amount of cream.
  8. Be very careful, this will result in active steam formation and the mixture will gurgle quite a lot (therefore the saucepan must be of sufficient size ).
  9. Let the consistency sit, settle and introduce the sugar and cream. Approximately 1-2 minutes, during this time there is no need to stir it .
  10. Then stir everything very well with a spatula and return to low heat. Over low heat with constant stirring, achieve complete homogeneity of the caramel and cook for a couple of minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Cool the caramel to 45C (this is the temperature when you can touch it with your finger) and add the softened butter.
  11. Stir everything well again, cover with film in contact and put in the refrigerator for several hours (you can overnight (that is, in the dark) )
  12. All is ready! Get out a huge spoon!)))
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By the way, you can transfer the caramel into some convenient jar with a lid and store it in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

Bon appetit!

You will make me very happy if you publish photos of your own desserts with our school hashtags: #mypastryschool or #cookingwithlenoy

Details about salted caramel: methods, recipes, and manufacturing rules.

It's time to dedicate an entire article to the ever-popular salted caramel. In the article I will tell you all the subtleties of making, what the color of caramel depends on, what is the most basic rule of caramel, we will look at two methods of making caramel, and the most important thing is how you can spoil the caramel.

Also at the end of the article I will leave links to three different recipes for which you only need sugar, butter and cream. These recipes will be useful for those who make desserts to find out - soft caramel for the insides, watery caramel sauce for the topping (drizzle, drippings), and chewy caramel , which you understand as toffee.

Be sure to prepare something caramel, these recipes take only 30 minutes of time and contain only 4 ingredients, and at the end you will get love in a jar for life, and the opportunity to improve your daily dishes, be it pancakes, custom-made cakes, or store-bought ice cream .

The history of the creation of salted caramel

All the fame for salted caramel went to the French chef Henri Le Roux. In 1980, he used salted butter to make caramel, for which he was awarded the prestigious French merit for the best sweetness. Henri even registered the trademark “Salted Butter Caramel” (orig. “Caramel au Beurre Salé”). Although, there is a worldview that the recipe for salted caramel was found in French recipe books back in 1946. The fact is that the region of Brittany, which is considered the birthplace of salted caramel, was exempt from the salt tax during this period, and the locals allowed themselves the luxury of adding salt to the butter.

It seems that it was not there, then South American chefs also grabbed the recipe for salted caramel, starting to combine caramel with various types of salt and chocolate. And if something reaches the mass markets of America, then it will be popularized throughout the world in every remote place.

I found out about salted caramel from American cuisine, and until I looked up the history, I was sure that caramel was a South American dish. Well, the South American market provides a lot of solutions from salted caramel: ice cream, tarts, caramel biscotti, caramel hot chocolate, coffee, tea, caramel nut protein bars, sweet and salty pretzels with salted caramel, macarons, popcorn, peanuts, chips, pies, cakes , and even salted caramel flavored vodka.

Despite the success of taste, there was also too much experimentation. In 2017, PepsiCo released salted caramel flavored Pepsi, which received more negative reviews than positive ones. This Pepsi was only available in the states during the Christmas holidays.

Why salt caramel?

The salted caramel craze didn't happen without reason. The fact is that for our brain (the central part of the nervous system of animals and humans), salted caramel is a powerful pleasure. Fat, salt and sugar are the main products that were needed for the survival of our ancestors back in ancient times. Salt and sugar are the most powerful flavor enhancers. Can you imagine now what happens to our sensors when these amplifiers act immediately?

Salt added to sweet caramel increases the taste of caramel and removes the cloying and bitterness. This just needs to be experienced once.

Methods for making salted caramel

Caramel can be prepared at home using two methods: dry and watery .

Using the dry method of production , sugar is melted to caramel, and then cream and butter are added.

We have already published a recipe for homemade caramel, which is prepared using the dry method. And they even made a video so you could see all the stages with your own eyes.

I choose this production method when I need to get thick caramel, which I use for the inside of cakes, cupcakes, eclairs, and macarons. This method seems to me fast and convenient for making caramel without a temperature indicator; all the necessary mixtures can be seen by eye.

The watery method of making caramel involves making a sweet syrup, to which cream and butter are later added. In both versions, the sugar is brought to a temperature at which it caramelizes.

When we published the recipe for watery caramel sauce, we used the watery method of making caramel. You can also make thick caramel using the watery method. The thickness will depend on the amount of water or fat content of the cream.

Which of these two methods is better - choose for you depending on the purpose for which the caramel is being prepared. If you need the thickest and richest caramel, choose the dry method; if you need the least fatty and thick caramel, choose the wet method.

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What is important to know about the process of making salted caramel?

Rule #1 – Don’t leave the stove.

At first glance, the recipe for making caramel is nothing complicated. It’s really nothing complicated, sugar melts so slowly and boringly at first, so I want to spend these minutes even more productively, for example, watering a flowerpot, updating my Instagram feed, loading laundry. But if you skip that minute when the sugar is already quite caramelized, and you don’t add cream and butter to it just right, the caramel will burn.

By the way, the darker the color of the sugar/syrup, the darker the caramel will turn out, and here try to avoid black brown colors in the process of making syrup or caramelizing sugar. If the caramel is bitter, it means you have overcooked the sugar.

Use dishes with a thick bottom.

If you cook caramel in a poor container with a narrow bottom, the heating will be uneven, and the sugar may start to burn in some places; as a result, the caramel may taste bitter, although you did everything right. Choose dishes with a thick or double bottom.

What cream to choose for making caramel?

Both thick and watery caramel are prepared using the same method; either the composition of the water or the preparation time changes. Almost all sources write that it is necessary to use 30% fat cream to make caramel. Milk fat is very important in making caramel, but the fat content does not play a major role in the taste, only in the mixture. You can use even 15% cream, but the resulting caramel will turn out to be a sauce, and if you need thick caramel, you will have to simmer it longer. For example, toffee candies are prepared with milk, the fat content of which does not exceed 4%, and believe me, it is very tasty.

Crystallization of caramel.

To prevent the caramel from crystallizing, you need to add citric acid or lemon juice to it during the syrup making process. Such an anti-crystallizer will help increase the shelf life of caramel and prevent the upcoming sugaring of products.

Add the ingredients correctly!

Cream and butter must be added to caramel or caramel sauce in small portions. Due to the difference in temperature, the caramel will begin to boil, sizzle and rise. Firstly, you can get burned, and secondly, if you add all the butter at once, the caramel can splash to the top.

Therefore, at first add the oil in a small piece, this first portion will already reduce the temperature, and when you add the outer pieces, there will no longer be such active seething.

Salt crystals can be felt.

At one point I had this option. I cooked a delicious thick caramel for the inside of the cake in advance, and everything was perfect. When I finally ate the cake, I found some huge pieces of salt along with the caramel. I couldn’t understand how this could happen, I had already made this caramel 100 times and everything was fine. After a while, I remembered what I did wrong.

Previously, I always took the prepared caramel out of the refrigerator a couple of hours in advance so that it would soften and fit evenly into the filling. But this time I forgot. When it was time to fill the cake, I decided to quickly heat it up. When I heated the caramel, apparently, I turned on a powerful fire, and thereby violated the temperature restrictions, the moisture from the caramel evaporated, and the salt fell back into crystals.

Therefore, it is necessary to properly heat the caramel in a water bath over low heat; there is no need to melt the caramel to a watery state. Melt slightly - shake the jar.

Sweet powder instead of sugar.

If you replace sugar with sweet powder, you can make caramel much faster.

The caramel has separated.

Salted caramel can be unpredictable. From time to time the caramel may separate. In some places the temperature was too high, and when the oil is suddenly heated, it will disintegrate into fat and water, and after cooling, the water remains at the bottom and the fatty mass at the top. To prevent the caramel from separating, do not add enough in small parts and mix well. Continue stirring after adding all the ingredients and turning off the heat.

But if separation could not be avoided, then simply beat the caramel with a blender.

As if this is all I had to deal with in the process of making salted caramel. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

The article provided links to the following recipes:

The recipe for chewy toffees is just there, or for the inside.

Also, we recommend 5 amazing recipes with salted caramel:

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Homemade salted caramel


Have a nice day, dear readers and guests, of our delicious and homey!

Well, it’s my turn to tell you about the magic and deliciousness - salted caramel! Oh, I’ve already cooked it so much, but for some reason I didn’t tell you the recipe. I thought that everyone could cook this. Otherwise, I was thinking about breadcrumbs! But it turns out that not everyone produces perfect salted caramel: sometimes it’s bitter, sometimes it’s undercooked.

Let's look at the recipe step by step and prepare delicious homemade salted caramel. The recipe is very simple and that’s why I love it, as well as the caramel itself, which I cook every week.

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If until now you didn’t know what salted caramel is, get ready, because after this recipe you will simply fall in love with it! She's so versatile. I add it to my cakes, baked goods, and make cream with it. If you add a little glucose or invert syrup to the ingredients, you get toffee candies. We'll talk about this too.

Oh, thick caramel is used to fill macarons. Let's talk about this recipe too. I already have all the ingredients to create this wonderful French dessert, but oh well, I’m not going to get around to it. I promise to make homemade macarons soon)))

Well, for now, let me tell you two recipes for homemade salted caramel. Are you with me?


How to cook:

I use the first recipe for salted caramel more often, one might even say, all the time. It seems simpler to me. Let's take a look at it now.

Take a saucepan with a thick bottom and high walls. I'll explain a little later. But not a mega large saucepan, but a liter will do. I pour water into the saucepan first and only later add sugar. Why not the opposite? Therefore, this way the sugar does not get on the walls of the saucepan and is moderately distributed in the water. And also, if you overfilled the water, you can drain it without any problems.

We measure out the cream. I want to slow down on cream. For me, the given proportion is impeccable. It doesn’t leak in the insides and the drips are beautiful on the cake.

If you need caramel sauce, for example, to pour over a pie or cupcakes, then you need to add a little more cream. On the contrary, for example, a little less cream should be added to the macaron filling.

Before pouring the cream into the melted sugar, it is necessary to heat it thoroughly, but do not bring it to a boil. You can pour them into another saucepan and place them side by side on low heat. I feel comfortable heating cream in the microwave. One minute and you're done.

Place the saucepan on medium heat and leave it alone without stirring. But! From the kitchen neither naked. Get distracted by something else and it’s all gone!

If you are preparing salted caramel on a gas stove, place a divider under the saucepan, on the burner.

Here is the future caramel after 9 minutes.

But here she is in a minute. That's what I told you about. Don't go too far.

Tip: do not stir the caramel with a spatula, but rock the pan from side to side. And under no circumstances taste caramel while cooking! Get burned!

Well, after 15 minutes, look at the amber color that comes out. It suits me and I add hot cream without hesitation. If the mixture is left too long, it will become bitter. And this, believe me, is no longer tasty.

Now, let's talk about hot cream. Before pouring them into the sweet syrup (remove from heat), put on an oven mitt, or preferably two. Unfortunately, I didn’t take a photo of the moment of pouring the cream into the syrup, but remember that you need to pour in the cream slowly and at the same time constantly stirring the mass. Some people feel comfortable stirring caramel with a wooden spatula, but I feel comfortable using a whisk.

Get ready! When you start pouring the cream into the melted sugar, the mixture will begin to boil and very quickly. Try to move the saucepan slightly away from you, because steam can also cause burns.

The high walls of the stewpan will not allow the mass to escape into the street, and the gloves will help out your hands.

After adding cream to the syrup, we already have caramel, but to bring it to a divine taste, we will need two more ingredients. Yes, soft drain. oil, which will give the caramel a silky and creamy texture. And salt, friends. BUT! Not regular table salt, but sea salt.

Next, return the saucepan with caramel to the heat, add salt, butter and simmer for a minute, stirring constantly.

Homemade salted caramel is ready. Now you need to pour it into a glass container, let it cool thoroughly and enjoy the taste. Perfect for pancakes, pancakes, and ice cream.

Salted caramel can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. Friends, but we didn’t prepare it for storage, right? Let's use this deliciousness in our own desserts!

Salted caramel thickens as it sits in the refrigerator. And once it stands at room temperature, it becomes more flexible.

Friends, I also make salted caramel from homemade cream. Here's a photo for comparison. But here the caramel had already warmed up perfectly in the sun while I was fiddling with the camera.

Here's the caramel from the fridge.

Thick as a spoon!

But after a little while she succumbs to the heat.

This is the salted caramel recipe I use, but there is one more. It is prepared without water. The proportion is easy to understand. Take, for example, 100 grams of sugar and 80-100 ml. cream. Drain. You will need little oil for such a portion, only 15 grams and a pinch of salt.

The manufacturing method is the same. Dissolve the sugar without stirring and then pour in the hot cream. But be careful. You can look at the recipe in detail in this article. By the way, a very tasty cake. I advise you to cook!

Friends, experiment and share your creations in the comments! Fortune for you and up to the latest recipes!

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