Chebureks made from puff pastry in the oven

Chebureks made from puff pastry in the oven


Puff pastry – 400 g

Onions – 1 pc. (70 g)

Salt, spices - to taste

For frying:

Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp.

For lubrication:

Egg yolk – 1 pc.

  • 306 kcal
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 2 hours 40 minutes

Photo of the finished dish

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Video recipe: Chebureks from puff pastry in the oven

Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos

Prepare the ingredients for making chebureks from puff pastry in the oven. Rinse pork slices under running water. Peel the onion. I have frozen puff pastry, which I put on the table from the refrigerator 1.5 hours before starting production. To reduce the manufacturing steps, you can use purchased minced meat in your work, but in this case you should choose a proven product of the highest quality.

Cut the meat into large pieces for convenience, throw it into the bowl of a stationary blender, and you can immediately add salt and your favorite spices to taste. Run the device for 120 seconds. You can also process pork into minced meat using a meat grinder, then it is more convenient to add salt and spices to the pan when frying.

Finely chop the onion.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan over medium heat and first add the chopped onion. Fry, stirring occasionally, until translucent (approximately 7-8 minutes). Then add the cooked minced meat and continue to fry everything together, stirring constantly with a spatula, for another 10 minutes.

Roll out the puff pastry with a rolling pin and cut out circles of the desired diameter (I have a pastry ring with a diameter of 10 cm).

Place the dough piece on the work surface, you can roll it out a little more with a rolling pin so that the thickness of the dough becomes approximately 2 mm. Place 2-3 tsp on one half of the workpiece. fried minced meat with onions.

Cover with the second half of the dough, forming a cheburek blank, seal the edges using a comfortable method (I sealed it with a fork). So form blanks of chebureks from all the dough and minced meat with onions.

Cover a baking tray with baking paper and place all the pasties on it. Brush each piece with a mixture of yolk and 1 teaspoon of warm water to create a golden brown crust during baking.

Bake puff pastry pasties in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 30 minutes.

Chebureks have a layered, narrow, very fragile dough shell and tender meaty interior with the color of your favorite spices. Bon appetit!

Pasties made from puff pastry with meat

  • Ingredients
  • Step-by-step production of chebureks from puff pastry with meat
  • Video recipe

Chebureks are thin pies with meat insides, usually made from unleavened dough. But in cooking, the most unexpected experiences are possible. I propose to change the rules and create chebureks with meat from puff pastry. They turn out soft and juicy on the inside with a crispy and flaky crust on the outside. Everything is simple and fast, and you don’t have to wait for the dough to rise. Try this option, they will literally pleasantly surprise you. The dough is slightly flaky and it is rolled out thinly, so you may not see the puffiness, but when you bite into the finished cheburek, you will feel the crispy and flaky crust. Although for such baking, ordinary puff pastry or just yeast dough is suitable.

The proposed version of pasties is very convenient, especially if you have a package of dough on hand in the freezer. It defrosts quickly, and the chebureks from it turn out just as tasty as those from regular dough. The inside can be not only meat, but also cheese, cabbage, mushrooms, potatoes, eggs, onions and other products. You can create at one time an assortment of chebureks with different insides to suit the tastes of any eater.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 315 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 3
  • Production time: 30 minutes, plus time for defrosting dough


  • Purchased puff-yeast dough - 300 g
  • Ground nutmeg - 0.5 tsp.
  • Meat (any kind) - 300 g
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Ground dark pepper - a pinch
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Onions - 1 pc.

Step-by-step production of chebureks from puff pastry with meat, recipe with photo:

1. Rinse the meat under running water. Trim off excess fat with films. Pass it through the auger of a meat grinder, installing a nozzle with medium holes.

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2. Peel the onions, rinse and grind through a meat grinder.

3. Season the minced meat with salt, ground black pepper and nutmeg.

4. Stir the meat filling well. Add a little drinking water so that it is as watery as possible.

5. Defrost the dough naturally without using a microwave oven. It’s better to do this early and correctly: on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. When the dough has thawed and becomes soft, sprinkle the table top with a rolling pin with flour and roll it into a narrow layer no more than 5 mm wide.

6. Using a plate, press out circles with a diameter of about 20 cm on the dough.

7. Roll out the cut out circles of dough with a rolling pin, moving from the center to the edges.

8. Place minced meat on one half of the dough, distributing it in an even layer.

9. Cover the meat filling with a loose edge of the dough.

10. Press the edges of the dough together in a circle and, for beauty, walk along it with the tines of a fork.

11. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and add pasties. Fry them over medium heat until golden brown.

12. Place the fried pasties on a paper towel so that it absorbs all the excess fat after frying the pasties made from puff pastry with meat. After that, immediately start tasting the delicious pies.

Watch also the video recipe on how to make crispy chebureki from ready-made puff pastry.

Chebureks made from puff pastry according to a step-by-step recipe with photos

Find out how to make chebureks at home from puff pastry, which is prepared just before hot. The article describes a complete step-by-step recipe consisting of 3 steps - twisting the minced meat, kneading the flour mass and frying. You'll learn how to use water, flour and salt to create puff pastry that's suitable for a huge range of recipes. After studying the detailed instructions, you can prepare the most delicious pasties in 2 hours.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: meat grinder, deep frying pan, hob, bowl, sieve, rolling pin, kitchen towel.


Chicken meat (fillet, drumsticks, legs) 400-450 g
Large onion 1 PC.
Untainted drinking water 1 stack
Premium wheat flour 250 g
Salt pepper taste
Vegetable oil for frying 300-400 ml

Step-by-step production

Cooking minced meat

  1. If you are using fillet, wash it and cut it into small pieces. Remove any skin, fat and bones from any remaining parts of the chicken, trimming off any unblemished meat. You will need about 400 grams of chicken. Peel one large onion. Grind the meat and onion together in a meat grinder, then salt and pepper the minced meat to taste (approximately 0.5-1 tsp each).
  2. Mix everything thoroughly and set aside to marinate.

Knead the dough

  1. Sift two and a half cups of flour (250 g) through a sieve into a bowl.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to a glass of cool water and stir until completely dissolved. Add evenly to the flour and knead the dough. You need to knead it manually for about 10 minutes; it should not stick to your hands.
  3. Cover the prepared flour mixture with a bowl or towel and leave it for 30 minutes.
  4. After half an hour, divide it into 4 equal parts, each of which must be rolled into a ball and covered again with a bowl for 10 minutes.
  5. After the designated time has passed, the flour ball must be rolled out into a very narrow layer, almost until it becomes transparent.
  6. Grease it with a small amount of vegetable oil and roll into a tube.
  7. Roll out the next ball as well, but you need to roll it into a tube together with the previous one, as if continuing it. Do the same with the third and fourth balls. In this way, layers of dough are built up.
  8. Divide the resulting roll into 12 parts. Flatten these pieces into a flat cake shape, cover them with a towel or kitchen napkin and let them lie for 10 minutes.

Frying pasties

  1. Pour approximately 150 ml of refined sunflower oil into a deep frying pan or casserole with a flat bottom and heat over medium heat.
  2. Thinly roll out the “cake” to approximately 20 cm in diameter. Place 1 tablespoon of minced meat on one half of the circle, level it and fold it in half, trying to release all the air. Carefully glue the edges together. For extra confidence, you can use the tines of a fork to finish the edges.
  3. Fry in a large amount of heated vegetable oil for 1-2 minutes on each side.
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The chebureks came out juicy, crispy and indescribably fragrant. Bon appetit!

Video recipe

In the presented video, the creator shows one hundred percent the entire process of making the state Crimean Tatar dish. You will see how to knead the flour mixture without the help of others, roll out the layers and fry it in oil to what state.

Chebureks made from puff pastry

There are very few people in the world who are indifferent to flour products with meat: pies, pies, dumplings or manti. And pasties made from puff pastry or yeast-free dough will amaze you not only with their juiciness and indescribable tenderness, but also with the simple recipe for making them! And it’s often not only about the taste and their magical smell, but also about the feeling of satisfaction that you experience when removing the products from the frying pan!

For chebureks, ready-made puff pastry from the store is completely suitable, but can it compare with the batch that you prepare with your own loving hands, thinking about the ecstasy with which your family will greet the dish at the family table? Moreover, you have such a wide choice among recipes for puff pastry for chebureks that you can choose both yeast and yeast-free, and even ordinary unleavened dough will do!

How to cook chebureks from puff pastry

In this savory oriental dish, everything matters - both the flour mixture and the inside. Let's first look at a few simple recipes for a flour base for chebureks, and then study the main principles of making juicy insides from minced meat. Well, let's go?

Cheburek dough recipes

Puff pastry without yeast for chebureks

Yeast-free dough in 5 minutes

You will definitely like this recipe - after all, it will only take you 5 minutes to get soft and flaky dough for your favorite meat dish!

  • 3 cups flour (cup 250 g),
  • 50 g vodka,
  • 75 ml vegetable oil,
  • 1 yolk,
  • half tsp salt,
  • 150 g of water.
  1. Pour vodka into a 250 g glass, dip the yolk into it, add salt and fill everything with water. Stir thoroughly with a fork. The total amount of water is 3/4 cup.
  2. Sift the entire amount of flour over a large bowl, make a small funnel in the flour and slowly pour in the liquid, stirring it into the flour with a fork. Next, we connect our hands, but don’t knead! As a result, we should get flakes that look like coarse crumbs.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into the gaps of the crumbs and begin to quickly knead - without pressing. Our task is simply to get the shape of a ball. If we knead the mixture too much and put pressure on it, we won’t see any layering.
  4. Having received a loose ball, wrap it in cling film and put it in the cold for 40 minutes.
  5. After the allotted time, we make pasties from the chilled dough. When you cut the dough, you will see a “flaky” structure inside it, which, when fried, flakes, like true puff pastry.

Recipe for gourmet yeast-free dough

This yeast-free puff pastry rolls out perfectly to a thickness of 2 mm and does not tear at all! And if you cut the finished cheburek, the cut will show you a huge amount of thin layers of air! And although there is not a drop of fat in the ingredients, this cool recipe will give you true puff magic!

  • 3-4 cups flour,
  • quarter tsp salt,
  • 1 cup boiling water.

Pour salt into a glass of boiling water and stir until dissolved. And then everything is simple: sift 1 glass of flour into a spacious bowl and brew it with a glass of salted boiling water. Mix flour with water until it becomes homogeneous. Next, we begin to stir in the remaining flour in portions, so that in the culinary end we get a very cool, but elastic knead. We leave it to “rest” until it cools completely. Ready! You can make pasties!

Puff pastry for chebureks

Traditional chebureks are prepared from unleavened, yeast-free dough, but we want to offer you a very simple recipe for puff pastry, which is sure to become your favorite! You can use this recipe for baking cheese sticks, khachapuri and other fried and baked flour products.

  • 2-3 cups flour,
  • 1 glass of milk,
  • 1.5 tsp. dry yeast,
  • half tsp salt,
  • 1 testicle,
  • 250 g margarine.
Read also:  Fish cutlets in the oven

  1. We begin production by dissolving the yeast in slightly heated milk. Pour the milk into a half-liter jar, add the yeast, stir. Add salt and egg to the milk and mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Sift the flour over a spacious bowl and, evenly pouring in the prepared liquid, knead the dough. The kneading should be moderately soft.
  3. Divide a pack of soft margarine (under no circumstances melted!) in half and lightly mash each portion with a fork. We also divide the flour batch in half.
  4. Roll out half of the batch on the table to a thickness of 5-7 cm and distribute half a pack of margarine over its entire area. Next, we roll up the layer of margarine into a tube, and then twist this tube into a spiral. We do the same with the second part of the batch and margarine.
  5. Now carefully roll out these spirals to a thickness of 1 cm, place one on top of the other and roll them into an envelope in 6 layers. Wrap the envelope in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  6. After two hours, roll out the multilayer envelope in parts, each to a thickness of 2-3 mm, cut out the pancakes with a saucer, put in the filling and then prepare the pasties according to the recipe.

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Interior for chebureks

Traditional minced meat for chebureks is made from lamb and onions. But good lamb is not always available, and assimilation into Slavic cuisine has changed the recipe for the insides little.

At the moment, home cooks prepare the filling from pork, beef, combined minced meat, and even chicken! Some fans of this oriental dish even add ingredients that are uncharacteristic of this dish to the minced meat: mushrooms, cheese, vegetables and garlic. But we will look at traditional minced meat.

  • 500 g fatty lamb,
  • 250 g onions (3 medium-sized onions),
  • 2/3 glass of water,
  • half a tsp each salt and dark ground pepper.

We cut the washed meat and onions into pieces that are comfortable for a meat grinder and grind them through a small mesh of the meat grinder. Salt, season with pepper and mix. Add water evenly, carefully mixing the minced meat with each portion of water. Next, we carefully beat the minced meat in a bowl to “knock out” the excess air from it, otherwise the minced meat will lose its smell and juiciness.

Rules for savory minced meat for chebureks

  • Meat should only be ground on a mesh with small holes.
  • The onion in the minced meat must be exactly half the weight of the meat.
  • It is imperative to add water to the minced meat for these wonderful products, otherwise the products will turn out dry on the inside. The only thing better than water is a drink or kumiss.
  • The minced meat must be freed from air, and therefore it should be beaten against the walls of the dish.
  • Chebureks are an oriental dish, which means you can feel the dark pepper in the minced meat!

Recipe for chebureks made from puff pastry


  • Puff pastry + –
  • Minced meat + –
  • Vegetable oil – for frying + –


  1. Roll out the dough thinly - 2-3 mm wide, squeeze out rounds with a tea saucer.
  2. Lubricate the edges of the pancakes with water (for reliable gluing).
  3. Place minced meat and onions on one half of each round piece, distribute it over the entire surface of the halves (leaving approximately 1.5 cm for pinching the edges), and cover with the other half.
  4. We press the combined edges first with our fingers, and then press the grooves with a fork. This way we ensure the density of the interior so that the meat juice remains inside the product.
  5. Fry the products in hot vegetable oil over a fire, a little lower than medium, on both sides - until a beautiful light brown crust. Pour in enough oil to allow the pasties to practically float in it.

Place the finished products on paper towels, the fibers of which should absorb excess oil. Place on a flat serving plate and serve!

We hope that after studying all the intricacies of the recipes, you will become a real expert in making this dish, stunning in its gastronomic qualities! Chebureks made from puff pastry will never let down those who have invested the warmth of their souls in them!

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