Salad with chicken, pineapple and corn

Salad with chicken, pineapple and corn

Friday, November 7, 2014

Recipes for freshly made salads are especially popular among culinary experts, because it is important not only to be tasty, but also to quickly feed the family. The current dish is not distinguished by the cost of the goods used and the complexity of production.

This salad can be prepared for lunch or a snack, but it can also be a worthy option for a festive table. Juicy, tender, quite nutritious and unique in taste - this is how you can describe a salad with chicken, pineapples and corn.


Making a dish step by step:

We add to the collection of light salad recipes for any day and write down the necessary ingredients: chicken breast, canned corn, canned pineapples, hard or semi-hard cheese, fresh cucumbers, sour cream, mayonnaise (preferably homemade) and a sprig of fresh parsley to decorate the finished dish.

First you need to boil the breast - put it in a saucepan with water and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat after boiling. While the chicken is cooking, strain the liquid from the pineapples and corn. Transfer the ingredients into a suitable container.

Grind hard or semi-hard cheese on a large grater.

Wash the fresh cucumbers, dry them and cut them into small cubes. If your vegetables are not young, remove the skin and crush the seeds.

The chicken breast is boiled - remove it from the broth, cool and cut into small cubes.

Mix all the ingredients for the salad. All that remains is to season it with mayonnaise and sour cream - you can serve it to the table, garnished with a sprig of fresh parsley.

I love serving salads like this using a cooking ring - it turns out to be a delicious pile. If you don’t have one, take a plastic bottle (1.5 liters) and cut it on both sides to make a homemade ring. Inexpensive, original and simple.

Pineapple Chicken Corn Salad

A wonderful, tender salad for any occasion. Delicious and satisfying! A hearty salad made from all available ingredients. A recipe from the group of simple and successful ones. The dish is suitable for weekdays and holidays. If you have the opportunity to eat the freshest pineapple, it is better to use it. The salad will be much tastier with fresh pineapple.

  1. Main
  2. Recipe groups
  3. Pineapple Chicken Corn Salad

Ingredients and how to cook

ingredients for 4 servings or - the number of products for servings suitable for you will be calculated automatically!'>

tea spoon 5 ml
dessert spoon 10 ml
tablespoon 20 ml
cup 200 ml


Composition weight: 100 gr
165 kcal
Belkov: 12 g
Zhirov: 11 g
Carbohydrates: 5 g
Used: 43 / 39 / 18
H 0 / C 100 / V 0

Production time: 1 hour

Step-by-step production

Step 1:

Prepare your ingredients. You will need fresh medium-sized chicken fillet, canned or fresh pineapple, tasty hard cheese, two large selected chicken eggs and mayonnaise. Place the canned corn in a colander and drain the liquid.

Step 2:

How to properly boil chicken breast? Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan. When it boils, add salt (about 0.5 tbsp. salt) and send the chicken there. For taste, you can add dark peppercorns (3-4 pieces) and bay leaf. Cook over low heat, covered, until tender (about 20 minutes after boiling). If the fillet is simply pierced with a knife, it means it’s ready. Cool without removing from the broth so that the meat does not dry out. Cut into small cubes.

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Step 3:

Remove the pineapple rings from the syrup and cut them into small cubes.

Step 4:

Grate hard cheese on a medium or large grater.

Step 5:

Hard boil the eggs (8-10 minutes after boiling), cool by pouring cool water. Then peel off the shell. Divide into yolks and cut whites into small cubes or grate on a medium or large grater. Place all the chopped ingredients in separate containers, because we will be laying out the salad in layers.

Step 6:

How to form a salad? Place lettuce leaves washed and dried with cardboard towels on a flat plate. Place a cooking ring on top (about 18 cm across). Place the fillet in the first layer and brush it with mayonnaise. Spread the pineapple slices sparingly in a second layer. Mayonnaise again. Next are egg whites and mayonnaise. Yolks - mayonnaise. Corn - mayonnaise and cheese at the end. Mayonnaise can be transferred to a cooking bag and a mayonnaise mesh can be applied to the layers.

Step 7:

Place the salad in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours to soak. Then, carefully, so as not to damage the system, remove the culinary ring. You can decorate the salad with pineapple rings, placing a beautiful flower on top, as well as mint leaves. Serve. Bon appetit!

The salad will look great and neat if you cut all the ingredients into pieces of similar size and shape (for example, cubes).

Be sure to wash the eggs before implantation, because even the seemingly clean shell may contain harmful bacteria. It is best to use food grade detergents and a brush.

It is better to prepare mayonnaise without the help of others.
It will be tastier and healthier. You can see recipe options here. Also, as a dressing you can use not only mayonnaise, but also sour cream or natural yogurt. You can take them separately or mix them with mayonnaise in any proportion to your taste - this will reduce the calorie content of the dish.

How to take canned corn correctly? Be sure to look at the expiration date on the can. If the container is glass, carefully examine the grains. They should be of similar size and color, whole and without spots. The composition should not contain dyes, preservatives or flavor enhancers.

A selection of the best pineapple, chicken and corn salads

Salad with pineapple, chicken and corn is a win-win option for any option and in any interpretation, thanks to the excellent combination of goods.

  1. Chicken salads with pineapple and corn: tasty and simple
    1. Recipe with only pineapples, chicken and corn
    2. Layered salad with cheese and egg
    3. Smoked chicken recipe
    4. Salad with Chinese cabbage
    5. Recipe with mushrooms
    6. Hearty salad with rice
    7. Special recipe with nuts
    8. Salad with bell pepper and orange
  2. Note to the hostess
  3. Video recipe for Pineapple salad

By adding different ingredients, you can virtually experiment with flavors endlessly.

Chicken salads with pineapple and corn: tasty and simple

To prepare a tasty and healthy salad, you just need to follow some tips.

When choosing chicken, remember: low-fat dietary breast is perfect , from which you need to remove the skin.

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Fillet and flesh of thighs without bones and skin would also be appropriate.

Salads with smoked chicken, also steamed with spices or baked in the oven, are not bad.

To get a fragrant steamed chicken, add peppercorns, bay leaves, a slice of fresh ginger, dried herbs, and dried garlic to the water. But even just fried in a frying pan will do.

Pineapples in such salads are not bad, both fresh and canned . But it’s better not to take frozen ones - they are very liquid. The freshest ones are peeled and cut into cubes. The canned ones are thrown into a sieve and cut into pieces as needed.

The options for choosing corn are also varied. The ice cream is fried in oil and cooled for use. “Friends” with sour cream and mayonnaise dressings. By the way, here’s how to store corn in the winter, including freezing. Canned is the best option. You just need to drain the liquid. Boiled is good for summer dishes. It is necessary to carefully cut the grains from the boiled cob and immediately add them to the salad.

Recipe with only pineapples, chicken and corn

If you are planning a celebratory feast or want to treat your family to a tasty and satisfying dish, prepare a salad that everyone will like without exception.

It is quite simple to manufacture and consists of only 3 main components. Chicken meat goes perfectly with pineapples. It is best to eat canned pineapples because they have the richest flavor.

Recipe Chicken+Pineapple+Corn Salad. Calorie content, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Ingredients Salad Chicken+Pineapple+Corn

Chicken breast (fillet) (Cooking) 500 g
Pineapple, canned in light sweet syrup 340 g
Corn, canned food 280 g
Curry powder 1 g
Sour cream 20.0% fat 100 g

chicken fillet – 400-500 gr. (raw), canned pineapples - 1 can (340 g without water), canned corn - 1 can (280 g without water), sour cream or yogurt + mustard, a pinch of curry - optional

Nutritional value and chemical composition of “Chicken + Pineapple + Corn Salad” .

Nutrient Quantity Norm** % of the norm in 100 g % of the norm in 100 kcal 100% normal
Calorie content 96.4 kcal 1684 kcal 5.7% 5.9% 1747 g
Squirrels 10.7 g 76 g 14.1% 14.6% 710 g
Fats 2.6 g 56 g 4.6% 4.8% 2154 g
Carbohydrates 7.8 g 219 g 3.6% 3.7% 2808 g
Organic acids 0.1 g
Alimentary fiber 0.4 g 20 g 2% 2.1% 5000 g
Water 80 g 2273 g 3.5% 3.6% 2841 g
Vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and diverse chemical nature)
Vitamin (low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) A, RE 49.2 mcg 900 mcg 5.5% 5.7% 1829
beta carotene 0.019 mg 5 mg 0.4% 0.4% 26316 g
Vitamin (low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) B1, thiamine 0.05 mg 1.5 mg 3.3% 3.4% 3000 g
Vitamin (low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) B2, riboflavin 0.051 mg 1.8 mg 2.8% 2.9% 3529 g
Vitamin (low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) B4, choline 48.33 mg 500 mg 9.7% 10.1% 1035 g
Vitamin (low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) B5, pantothenic 0.433 mg 5 mg 8.7% 9% 1155 g
Vitamin (low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) B6, pyridoxine 0.265 mg 2 mg 13.3% 13.8% 755 g
Vitamin (low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) B9, folate 4.532 mcg 400 mcg 1.1% 1.1% 8826 g
Vitamin (low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) B12, cobalamin 0.315 mcg 3 mcg 10.5% 10.9% 952 g
Vitamin (low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) C, ascorbic acid 4.09 mg 90 mg 4.5% 4.7% 2200 g
Vitamin (low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) D, calciferol 0.009 mcg 10 mcg 0.1% 0.1% 111111 g
Vitamin (low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) E, alpha tocopherol, TE 0.154 mg 15 mg 1% 1% 9740 g
Vitamin (low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) H, biotin 5.005 mcg 50 mcg 10% 10.4% 999 g
Vitamin (low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) K, phylloquinone 0.2 mcg 120 mcg 0.2% 0.2% 60000 g
Vitamin (low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) RR, NE 5.4186 mg 20 mg 27.1% 28.1% 369 g
Potassium, K 125.39 mg 2500 mg 5% 5.2% 1994
Calcium, Ca 27.64 mg 1000 mg 2.8% 2.9% 3618 g
Magnesium, Mg 38.37 mg 400 mg 9.6% 10% 1042 g
Sodium, Na 111.85 mg 1300 mg 8.6% 8.9% 1162 g
Sera, S 89.17 mg 1000 mg 8.9% 9.2% 1121 g
Phosphorus, Ph 72.4 mg 800 mg 9.1% 9.4% 1105 g
Chlorine, Cl 41.64 mg 2300 mg 1.8% 1.9% 5524 g
Iron, Fe 0.634 mg 18 mg 3.5% 3.6% 2839 g
Yod, I 3.45 mcg 150 mcg 2.3% 2.4% 4348 g
Cobalt, Co 5.63 mcg 10 mcg 56.3% 58.4% 178 g
Manganese, Mn 0.3614 mg 2 mg 18.1% 18.8% 553 g
Copper, Cu 70.81 mcg 1000 mcg 7.1% 7.4% 1412 g
Molybdenum, Mo 0.467 mcg 70 mcg 0.7% 0.7% 14989 g
Selenium, Se 0.171 mcg 55 mcg 0.3% 0.3% 32164 g
Fluorine, F 62 mcg 4000 mcg 1.6% 1.7% 6452 g
Chromium, Cr 4.2 mcg 50 mcg 8.4% 8.7% 1190 g
Zinc, Zn 1.0237 mg 12 mg 8.5% 8.8% 1172 g
Sterols (sterols)
Cholesterol (an organic compound, a natural fatty, lipophilic alcohol found in the cell membranes of all living organisms except nuclear-free ones) 8.1 mg max 300 mg
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The energy value of Chicken+Pineapple+Corn Salad is 96.4 kcal.

Main source: Created in the application by the user. Read more.

** This table shows the average levels of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to find out the norms taking into account your gender, age and other reasons, then use the “My Healthy Diet” application.

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