Dark currants pureed with sugar for the winter: tested recipe with photos

Dark currants pureed with sugar for the winter: tested recipe with photos

Grated currants with sugar without cooking are another option for a savory preparation for the winter. Dark currant is a record holder for vitamin content (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C. But as you know, vitamin (a low molecular weight organic compound of a relatively simple structure, necessary for everything alive) C is very capricious, it does not tolerate heat treatment and long-term storage. Because in order to preserve beneficial vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature), we recommend preparing blackcurrants ground with sugar. Mashed currants with sugar contain pectin and a huge amount of vitamin (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C. That is why it is recommended to prepare a savory delicacy from it for the winter without cooking, the mixture resembles jelly.

Traditional recipe for those with a sweet tooth

To implement the “winter” recipe for pureed currants you will need absolutely not enough time and only 2 ingredients:

  • 2 kg dark currants (certainly ripe);
  • 4 kg of sweet sand.

Main stages of production:

We carefully sort the berries, remove the twigs and leaves. After this, carefully rinse the currants under cool running water. Place them in a colander and let the excess water drain.

After this, we transfer the fruits into a huge and deep pan, and cover everything with sweet sand on top. It must be 2 times larger so that you can do without cooking.

Leave the future jam covered for 10-15 minutes. During this period of time, a sufficient amount of juice should be released.

In the next step, transfer the berries in portions to a blender and grind until smooth at high speed. The next option is to use a meat grinder, but then pieces of currant will remain.

Pour the resulting mixture into a deep plate again, cover with a towel (lid) and leave for 2-3 hours. After the designated time has passed, pour the winter preparation into sterilized liter jars and screw the lids on tightly.

Pay attention! Pureed currants can be stored at room temperature, but in a dark place. Direct exposure to sunlight is not allowed.

Dark currant “From the refrigerator”

To implement the following recipe, the following ingredients will be useful:

  • 1 kg dark currants;
  • 0.3 kg of sweet sand.

Main stages of production:

  1. We wash the berries under running cool water and place in a colander. We select all the branches and remove the leaves.
  2. Grind the currants with a wooden spoon or using a blender. It is necessary to achieve the greatest homogeneity.
  3. Transfer the resulting mass into a deep container and fill it with sweet sand (even 1 heaped glass is enough). Everything is carefully mixed and left alone for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Place the jam in plastic containers, sprinkle the remaining sugar on top and cover tightly with lids.

Fundamentally! This dessert can only be stored in the freezer. Otherwise, it will deteriorate in less than 10 days.

Currants with sweet syrup

  • 1-1.5 kg of sweet sand;
  • 1 kg dark currants;
  • 300 ml of drinking water;
  • 20 ml alcohol.

Main stages of production:

  1. We carefully sort the currants, clean them of sand and possible debris.
  2. Grind it using a wooden spoon, blender or high-quality meat grinder. It is best to stir the resulting mixture with a wooden or silicone spatula.
  3. In a deep saucepan, combine sugar and water, put it on low heat and bring to a boil. During cooking, stir the liquid constantly so that nothing burns.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat and carefully strain the contents through gauze folded in several layers.
  5. After this, boil the syrup again, cool it to 60 degrees and add currants to it. Mix everything carefully with a spatula.
  6. Pour the jam into sterilized jars. We moisten the parchment circles in alcohol and cover the winter preparations with them. We immediately roll up the canning and store it until winter in a cold, black place.

Dark currants with raspberries - indescribable taste and smell

Pureed currants with sugar for the winter without cooking can be mixed perfectly with other berries. To verify this from your own experience, just purchase the following products:

  • 1.5 kg of sweet sand (a little less is possible);
  • 1 kg of ripe raspberries;
  • 0.5 kg dark currants.

Main stages of production:

  1. Wash the berries under cool running water and place in a colander.
  2. We alternately rub the currants and raspberries through a sieve and sprinkle each portion with sweet sand.
  3. Place the resulting mass in the refrigerator and forget about it for two days. Minimum - one and a half days.
  4. After the designated time has passed, mix the jam well and place it in clean jars. We close them and hide them in the pantry or refrigerator until the cold weather arrives.
Read also:  Cookies in a frying pan

“Winter” currants with orange

Citrus fruits give the jam a pleasant and unobtrusive smell. And to prepare such a delicacy it is enough to have the following products:

  • 1.5 kg of sweet sand;
  • 1 kg of ripe currants;
  • 1 large orange.

Main stages of production:

  1. We wash and sterilize the jars in advance using the usual method. After this, carefully rinse and scald the orange with boiling water.
  2. Without removing the peel, cut the citrus into small pieces, remove the seeds and grind it in a blender at high speed. You should get a homogeneous puree.
  3. Wash the currants under running water and place in a colander. Transfer it to a deep bowl, add an orange and add sweet sand.
  4. After thorough mixing, place the future jam in a warm space for 2-3 hours. Stir the mixture approximately every 20-30 minutes.
  5. Once the sugar crystals dissolve and transform into syrup, transfer the mass into prepared jars. Sprinkle the top of the jam with a little sugar. After this, seal the lids.
  6. We store the dessert in the refrigerator and serve it with tea, pancakes or cheesecakes.

A unique recipe for grated currants

If you combine several types of currants in one recipe, you will get an indescribably tasty preparation with a pleasant aroma. To make it you need to purchase in advance:

  • 500 g dark currants;
  • 500 g reddish currants;
  • 500 g snow-white currants;
  • 3.5 kg of sweet sand.

Main stages of production:

  1. We wash the berries under running cool water and carefully sort them out so that no leaves or twigs remain.
  2. Grind different varieties of currants into separate containers so that a homogeneous mass emerges.
  3. Take a deep bowl or pan, transfer the purchased puree into it and fill it with sweet sand. Mix everything well and set aside for 2 hours. During this period of time, the sugar should dissolve and turn into syrup.
  4. To make sure this happens, stir the future jam for any 20-30 minutes.
  5. After the designated time has passed, pour the winter preparation into unstained jars, sprinkle it with sweet sand and seal with lids.

To make the homemade delicacy even tastier and more aromatic, it is recommended to add a handful of grated raspberries or a few chopped apricots.

Some useful tips

Professional chefs with extensive experience are ready to share small “tricks” so that home canning will only leave you satisfied:

You can cook currants without adding sugar. But such a preparation must be stored only in the refrigerator and no more than 2 weeks.

Dark currants with sugar for the winter without cooking: the best recipes

How can you cook blackcurrants with sugar? Obviously, making jam is tasty and aromatic. Currant jam is excellent for everyone, except for one aspect. It is no secret that during cooking, almost all vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) (C, A, E) are virtually completely destroyed.

There are also tasty methods for candiing berries without cooking - such currant preparations for the winter are not only tasty, but also healthy. Dark currants, ground with sugar, completely retain all vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) . And also a wonderful smell, so even on a winter evening you can remember the hot, greenish summer.

Fresh dark currants, grated with sugar for the winter

Dark currants with sugar for the winter without cooking: traditional option

All the recipes from this group are very ordinary for us, the main thing is to know the ratio of sugar and berries. Usually you take 2 times more sugar than the darkest currants.

Proportions for 1 liter jar:

  • 2 kg sugar;
  • 1 kg of berries.


Step 1. Wash the berries and remove leaves, twigs and debris.

Step 2. Weigh, measure out 1 kg.

Step 3. Then we transfer the berries into a clay dish and begin to crush them - with a wooden spoon or a potato masher, adding sugar in small portions (evenly).

It is better not to use iron containers and devices when grinding currants, since upon contact with air and alloy, the beneficial substances of the berries begin to oxidize intensively - i.e. collapse. This means that to obtain the greatest usefulness, you need to use clay, wood, enamel or plastic utensils.

Step 4. After this, put it into jars.

The jars must be sterilized in advance. This can be created using classical methods (10-15 minutes over steam, i.e. over bubbling water, or in the oven at a temperature of 180 o C). The next option is to sterilize in the microwave (hold for 3-4 minutes in the oven turned on at full power).

You can use a variety of lids, including screw-on iron ones. They are also sterilized.

And another fundamental point - do not fill the berry mixture to the top. A small place needs to be abandoned. The fact is that sugar will increase in volume as it dissolves, so the mass level will rise slightly.

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Grated currants with sugar are ready after just a few days.

Dark currants with sugar (prepared for the winter)

You can store pureed currants in the refrigerator, in the cellar, or even on the loggia. In other words, she does not ask for cold as such, but slight coolness and shading are inevitable. Such berries are stored without cooking for one season, and after opening the jars are stored only in the refrigerator for a week.

There is no point in crushing every currant fanatically. Firstly, it is very long and painful. And secondly, it is always pleasant to bite into a sour berry in order to feel the freshest taste against the background of general sweetness. And of course, whole berries can be used to decorate cakes and baked goods.

Fresh dark currants (cake)

Currants pureed with sugar for the winter: five-minute recipe

Naturally, the described process can be speeded up by using means of labor mechanization - a meat grinder, a juicer or an ordinary blender. In addition, currants crushed into a meat grinder or blender are prepared very quickly.

So, a blender turns berries into a homogeneous mixture in almost 20 seconds. In addition, it actually does not contain any iron parts except for the knife (the blender bowl is usually made of plastic).

In the five-minute recipe, the ratio of currants and sugar is literally the same: for 1 kg of berries we take 2 kg of sugar.

{Instructions} for the recipe:

Step 1. As always, wash and sort the berries, removing all excess.

Step 2. Grind them in a blender or turn them in a meat grinder.

Dark currants pureed in a blender

Step 3. Add part of the sugar (half) and mix. Later, you can go about your business for an hour, then add the remaining sugar and put it in again - then it will dissolve in the consistency much better.

Then we pour the mixture into previously sterilized jars and put it in the refrigerator or on the loggia.

Naturally, sometimes it is better to see once than to hear 100 times. Therefore, in addition to the description, you can see the process in the video - how to prepare currants, pureed with sugar, for the winter.

Dark currants for the winter with sugar: recipe with lemon

Some gourmets may find such a treat tasty, aromatic, although somewhat sweet. To interrupt the obvious predominance of sweet flowers, you can add lemon or orange juice to the finished product.


For 1 kg of berries you can take 1 small lemon or 2 small oranges.


Step 1. First, sterilize the jars and prepare the berries as usual.

Step 2. Then chop it with a wooden spoon or potato masher. Again, a meat grinder or blender comes to the rescue: pour the berries, half the sugar into the bowl, and grind.

Step 3. After an hour, add the remaining half of the sugar to the twisted currants and mix again. As soon as the sugar crystals completely disintegrate, add freshly squeezed juice of a couple of oranges or 1 lemon. It wouldn’t be a mistake to mix these ingredients - take 1 lemon and 1 orange.

What comes out is not just currants twisted with sugar, but a very fragrant dessert that will smell not only of currants, but also of citrus fruits. Delicious and healthy.

Currants grated with sugar and lemon

Obviously, anyone will be happy to just taste a spoonful of this preparation for the winter and just like that, but black currants, pureed with sugar, can also be used in tea. But you shouldn’t put this delicacy in boiling water (again, to preserve vitamins) - it’s better to fill it with warm water.

Another option is to use the mixture to make a fragrant pie with currants. True, heat treatment will reduce the benefits of the product, but the pleasant taste of the aromatic berry literally remains.

Pie with fresh currants, grated with sugar

In the end, the berry mass can also be used to decorate a cake. By the way, for these purposes it is better to throw a few berries whole and freeze until better times.

Black currants with sugar for the winter without cooking


Dark currants – 1 kg

Sugar – 1-2 kg (depending on storage conditions)

  • 55 kcal
  • 2 hours
  • 2 hours

Photo of the finished dish

Video recipe: Black currants with sugar for the winter without cooking

Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos

To prepare black currants, pureed with sugar, for the winter without cooking, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Wash the currants in cool water.

Strain and dry thoroughly.

Sort through the currants, removing all wrinkled, spoiled berries, leaves and stalks.

Place the prepared currants in a blender bowl and add sugar. The required amount of sugar depends on the storage conditions and temperature of the product. Provided that black currants, grated with sugar, are stored in a refrigerator or cold room, at a temperature of 0 to +8 degrees, the proportion of currants and sugar can be 1:1 - i.e. For every kilogram of currants, 1 kilogram of sugar is added. If it is assumed that black currants, mashed with sugar (without cooking), will be left at room temperature for the winter or subject to a possible temperature difference, it is better to increase the amount of sugar to 2 kg per kilogram of berries.

Read also:  Ciabatta in a bread machine

Beat the berries with sugar in a blender for a couple of minutes until smooth. If you don’t have a blender at hand, you can grind the berries using a meat grinder, grind them in a mortar, and then add sugar to the resulting fruit puree.

Pour the mixture into a bowl and leave at room temperature for several hours. During this time, stir the mass for any 30-60 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.

As the sugar dissolves, the mixture will become thicker and acquire a jelly-like consistency. If you have a fairly powerful blender, the sugar may dissolve while whipping the berries - in this case, you can skip the step of infusing the berry mass and immediately proceed to the next step.

Once the sugar has dissolved, place the mixture into cooled, sterilized jars, filling the jars to the top.

Add a few tablespoons of sugar to each jar, so that the layer of sugar completely covers the surface of the berry mass and the so-called sweet plug comes out.

Cover the jars with sterilized plastic or metal lids and place them in the refrigerator or dark, cold storage room.

Dark currants, grated with sugar (without cooking), are ready for the winter!

Raw dark currants with sugar

For this preparation, I grind black currant berries in the bowl of a food processor, and then add sugar. When finished, the currants partially remain in pieces. It is better to store containers with currants in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. Now I’ve just opened one jar and I’ll show you how the currants look 5 months after production!

Ingredients for “Raw dark currants with sugar”:

  • Dark currants – 1 kg
  • Sugar (1:1 or 1:1.5) - 1.5 kg

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
6410 kcal
10 g
4 g
1568.5 g
100 g dish
256.4 kcal
0.4 g
0.2 g
62.7 g

Recipe for “Raw dark currants with sugar”:

Sort the berries, wash and dry on cotton cloth (The structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) .

Grind in the bowl of a food processor and add sugar in a ratio of 1:1.5 (or 1:1).

Mix well and leave for several hours.
At this time, prepare the jars: wash, sterilize and cool.

Place the currant mass into cool jars, add sugar on top in a 1 cm layer, up to the neck.
At this time, place the lids in boiling water, boil and close while hot. I close with screw caps. Store containers in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

The smell and color of currants are preserved!

The density of the mass may vary, depending on the ripeness and
juiciness of the berries.

5 months have passed since production, all this time
the containers were in the refrigerator.
As expected, the taste and smell of currants has been preserved and the vitamin dessert is ready for tea drinking!

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December 26, 2019 Demuria #

December 26, 2019 Vishnja # (recipe creator)

December 26, 2019 sibir77 #

December 26, 2019 Vishnja # (recipe creator)

December 25, 2019 Irushenka #

December 26, 2019 Vishnja # (recipe creator)

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