Curd blancmange: production method

Curd blancmange: production method

Almost everyone nowadays prefers curd and sour cream desserts, which turn out tender, light and very tasty. One of these is blancmange with fruit. This is an airy and low-calorie dessert that can please any gourmet. And this is not mind-blowing, because the recipe for this dish is ordinary, but, nevertheless, unusually tasty and necessary.

Sour cream, fruit, cottage cheese, milk - these products are not only natural, but also beneficial for the body, because they contain a large amount of microelements, calcium and vitamins. From this we can conclude that blancmange with fruit is a good dish for kids.

A dense and light dessert with fruit is a delicious delicacy that will suit everyone’s personality. It is especially great to serve at a formal table, because a white dessert can easily vary and decorate it.

What ingredients can be added to blancmange?

A modern recipe for making this dessert can be supplemented with almost all products that, in your opinion, will give it additional taste and beauty.

You can safely add to the recipe:

  • Fresh chopped fruits - bananas, apples, pineapple, pears, peaches, plums;
  • Fresh or frozen chopped berries - raspberries, strawberries, cherries, currants;
  • Dry additives – poppy seeds, raisins, candied fruits, dried fruits;
  • Store-bought additives – marmalade, caramel, condensed milk.

Any housewife understands what her family loves most, so you can supplement the recipe with any additives that will help present the dish to the table in the best possible way.

Basically: do not use watery ingredients, for example, jam, sweet syrups, juices, and so on. The fact is that they will not allow the blancmange to harden properly and it will fall apart when removed from the molds.

How long does it take to prepare the dish?

If you want to quickly prepare the most delicious dessert recipe, curd blancmange with fruit is an ideal option. It is prepared very simply and quickly - most of the time will be spent on setting the dessert.

That is why this delicacy needs to be prepared for future use, so that it not only freezes, but is also well soaked. Then in the end you will get the most delicate cottage cheese dessert, which will be airy, light and very tasty - almost all modern photos of the finished dish can confirm this.

Method for making banana blancmange

To make this extraordinary dessert, you will need a minimum of goods that can be found in any grocery store. It should be immediately noted that the milk must be taken fresh so that it does not curdle and spoil the entire taste of the curd sweetness.

To make blancmange you will need:

  • 350 grams of crumbly cottage cheese (preferably unsalted)
  • 100 ml milk
  • 150 g thick sour cream (low-fat)
  • 50 g sugar
  • 15 g gelatin
  • any fresh, frozen or canned fruit (bananas are used in this recipe)

Manufacturing method:

1. Soak the gelatin in half the required milk (slightly warm) and leave it to swell for 20 minutes.

2. While the gelatin is preparing, grind the cottage cheese through a sieve or using kitchen appliances (blender). The result should be a homogeneous mass, similar to thick sour cream.

3. After this, transfer the cottage cheese into a deep bowl and add sugar and sour cream to it. If you like sweet desserts, you can add more sweet sand.

4. Take the remaining milk, pour it into a ladle or small saucepan and put it on the fire. No need to boil it! We just need it to warm up a little.

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5. After this, pour it into the swollen gelatin and carefully mix the mixture. If the gelatin flakes are still not dissolved, put the dishes in the microwave for 15 seconds so that they are completely straightened. In all this, you need to choose average power.

6. Then carefully mix gelatin with cottage cheese. Peel the bananas and cut them into small slices (if desired, you can grate them on a large grater to ensure the most tender taste of the dessert). You can also take any fruits or berries that your family loves most. And again, we remind you that ingredients containing an abundance of water are not recommended.

7. Carefully mix the curd mass with banana and pour it into small silicone molds. Place the treat in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. As a result, the curd blancmange should completely harden and look like jelly.

That's all - the delicious curd dessert recipe is ready. All that remains is to take it out onto flat plates and you can serve the dish to the table.

The delicacy holds its shape perfectly, so you won’t have to worry about it falling apart or melting. It should be noted that this delicious curd dessert can also be prepared with chocolate. This will make the dish not only tasty, but also incredibly beautiful.

Recipe for making blancmange with chocolate

This French dish can also be made with chocolate. This will make it softer and more attractive. Because blancmange is an opaque jelly, chocolate will give it a special beauty that will make the dessert appetizing and rich.

This recipe does not require any special manufacturing skills, so even an inexperienced housewife can handle it. This dish is especially great to serve during hot weather because it is cold and light, judging by the countless photos.

To make chocolate-curd sweets you will need:

  • 200 grams of cottage cheese (both homemade and store-bought)
  • 100 g sour cream
  • 20 g gelatin
  • 100 grams of sugar (if desired, it can be replaced with sweet powder)
  • vanillin packet
  • 2-3 spoons of cocoa powder

{Instructions} manufacturing:

1. First you need to prepare the gelatin so that it has time to swell by the time we prepare the main ingredients. To do this, take half the milk and heat it over low heat. Then add gelatin to it and leave for 20-25 minutes.

2. Grind the cottage cheese to a small mixture - if this is not created, the dish will turn out with lumps. Naturally, the taste of the dessert will not change, but the appearance will suffer significantly.

3. Pour crushed cottage cheese with sour cream, pour sugar into it and mix the mixture with a mixer. This needs to be done for 7-8 minutes so that the sugar is completely dissolved and the mass is homogeneous. Obviously, the whipping time depends on the power of your kitchen appliance.

4. Well, the main preparation for dessert is ready. Now we return to the gelatin: if it has completely frozen, put the bowl on the fire and slightly heat its contents. Then pour it into cottage cheese. Add the sour cream mixture there and carefully mix the products (see the photo for how to create this).

5. Next, add vanillin and cocoa to the mixture, mix the curd mass again. Note: If you like chocolate, you can add more cocoa to the recipe.

Everything is ready - now we pour the resulting mass into small molds (so that it hardens faster and is easier to eat) and put the dessert in the refrigerator for 90 minutes. Because this recipe contains cocoa, the delicacy will harden much faster than blancmange with fruit.

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As it cools, you can transfer the dish to a plate and present it to the table. To quickly create this and not destroy the dessert, the silicone mold can be lowered into boiling water for a few seconds.

As you can see, the curd blancmange is prepared quite quickly, and, judging by the photo, it turns out very appetizing, light and airy. Try to prepare this dish without the help of others, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result.

If desired, the chocolate dessert can be decorated with the freshest berries, Easter cake sprinkles, melted snow-white chocolate or poppy seeds - this will make the delicacy more attractive and tastier.

Blancmange curd


Milk – 0.5 cups

Instant gelatin – 15-20 g

Vanillin - on the tip of a knife

Sweet powder – 0.5 cups

Canned pineapples – 70 g

  • 181 kcal
  • 20 minutes.
  • 20 minutes.

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Curd blancmange is a delicious and necessary dessert made from cottage cheese. The original blancmange comes from France. We previously prepared it with almond milk and achieved a thick mixture using starch. At the moment, cow's milk and gelatin are used more often for its production as a thickener. A variety of fruits can be used. I prepared blancmange with canned pineapples, you can take, for example, canned peaches, grapes, and strawberries.

Prepare the necessary products.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.

Add sour cream, vanillin and sweet powder to the cottage cheese.

Beat everything with a blender until smooth.

I used pineapples in pieces that I no longer needed to cut. If you are using the largest fruits, cut them into small pieces.

Dissolve instant gelatin in warm milk.

Add gelatin diluted in milk to the curd mass. Stir. You can lightly beat in a blender at low speed.

Add fruit. Stir again.

Place in one or more forms. You can use cupcake molds. Leave in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours until completely set.

To remove the blancmange from the mold, quickly lower the mold into hot water, cover with a dish and turn over. Blancmange will just come out.

3 delicious recipes for cottage cheese blancmange

Curd blancmange is not a very common dessert in our latitudes. That’s not a bad thing, because they can amaze. And even those who don’t really like this product won’t refuse blancmange with cottage cheese.

Traditional recipe

Before you prepare blancmange with cottage cheese, you should find a suitable base. The cottage cheese should be low-fat and not grainy. Obviously, it shouldn't be sour either. You need 300g of it. You will also need:

  • 125 g of milk and the same amount of sour cream;
  • 12 g gelatin (it is better to take one that does not need to be soaked for a long time);
  • 70 g sugar;
  • a packet of vanillin.

To make everything clear, there is a step-by-step recipe with photos:

  1. Add gelatin to warm milk. Let it swell.
  2. Combine sour cream with cottage cheese. Sour cream should also be pleasant and not sour. Add vanilla or vanillin sugar here.
  3. Next add all the sugar. If the cottage cheese is grainy, beat it well with a blender. If the grain size is insignificant, it is better to use a mixer.
  4. Heat the swollen gelatin over low heat, stir and let it dissolve, but under no circumstances boil.
  5. We continue to beat the mixture and pour the gelatin into the mass slowly and in a thinner stream. Reduce the speed of the blender (mixer) and beat for a little more time.
  6. All that remains is to distribute the mass into glasses, bowls or silicone molds and allow it to harden in the refrigerator.
  7. This is a traditional recipe, but there are many variations. After the dessert has frozen, it can be served.
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Recipe with fruits

Blancmange cottage cheese with fruit is a fairly dietary dessert, so girls will like it. You can add any fruit, but be prepared for the fact that pineapple and kiwi do not always allow the gelatin to harden. We use the recipe described a little higher. The fruits themselves can either be placed on the bottom of the mold, or added to the cottage cheese after whipping, or even during it. And to make an unusual blancmange from cottage cheese and sour cream in orange you will need:

  • 200 g cottage cheese;
  • 60 g sour cream and the same amount of sugar;
  • 60 ml milk;
  • 8 g gelatin;
  • turmeric - to taste;
  • 3 oranges.

  1. Soak the gelatin in milk for half an hour in a small saucepan.
  2. Wash and wipe the oranges, dry them well. We make two molds: cut off the tops on both sides, make longitudinal stripes on the skin (like a watermelon!), take out the pulp and juice with a teaspoon. Remove the zest from the third one.
  3. Beat cottage cheese with turmeric, sugar and sour cream. You should get a strong but fluffy cream.
  4. We heat the gelatin, but do not let it boil!
  5. After cooling, straining the gelatin, pour it into the mass.
  6. We put it in our orange molds and let it harden in the refrigerator for 4 hours. You can decorate with mint.

Chocolate blancmange

Prepared according to the traditional recipe, but add cocoa powder or a mixture to make hot chocolate. It will also look beautiful if you put pieces of chocolate in the bottom of the molds and fill them with jelly.

How to vary and what to decorate with

There are many options here. So, in the movie “Formula of Love,” seedless grapes were added to the dessert. You can also sprinkle with grated chocolate, cinnamon, coffee. The only thing that won't work for us is lemon, because it can spoil the milk. Any seasonal berries would be appropriate for decoration.

Curd blancmange

Preparation time: 5 min.

Production time: 25 min.

Number of servings: 4 pcs.


Dessert blancmange from cottage cheese with sour cream

Blancmange is a delicate delicacy that is loved by both adults and children. This delicacy is prepared without baking, which is especially important during the hot summer months.

At first, the traditional dessert was prepared on the basis of almond milk, but then a huge number of variants of the dish appeared, and they began to prepare it on the basis of cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir or regular cow's milk.

Let's now prepare blancmange based on natural cottage cheese. It turns out tasty and quite useful.

How to prepare “Curd blancmange” step by step with photos at home

For our work we will need cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, sugar, gelatin.

Combine 120 ml of milk at room temperature with 1 tablespoon of instant gelatin, mix and leave for 10 minutes.

Rub 250 g of cottage cheese through a fine iron sieve.

Combine prepared cottage cheese, 50 g of 20% sour cream, 50 g of sugar. Grind until smooth.

In a water bath, stirring constantly, dissolve the gelatin in the milk. Cool to room temperature, and then stir in 1-2 tablespoons of curd mass and grind thoroughly.

Stir the resulting mixture into the main curd mass.

Place the mixture into small silicone molds. Place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Before serving, remove the silicone molds. The curd blancmange is ready to serve. You can serve it with berry sauce, sprinkled with grated chocolate and garnished with fresh mint.

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